IAI's new controller series: R-Unit

R-Unit is the new generation of space-saving controllers that are coupled via module connection and are easy to replace.

These include the RSEL program controller for connecting up to 8 actuators (in combination with the REC controller up to 16 actuators), the RCON positioning controller for up to 16 electric actuators and the REC controller for up to 16 EleCylinder.

What they all have in common are the connectable, identical controller units, which allow a free selection and combination of connected electric cylinders and their control methods. Mixed control of electric cylinders with 24 volt and 230 volt motors is also easily feasible.

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Difference position and program controller

Single-axis or multi-axis controllers are available as simple types that operate like solenoid valves of a pneumatic controller, up to highly functional models that control via program. A basic distinction is made between position and program controllers.

In position controllers, the travel profiles of each individual axis are entered in position tables. They are available as 3-point or multi-point positioning controls for up to 512 adjustable positions.

Program controllers can also be used independently for interpolating axes, Cartesian robots, SCARA robots or for machine control.


Two software programmes for all controllers - updates free of charge

To set the travel profiles of an axle, there is the "RCM software" for positioning controls and the "IA software" for programme controls. In addition, a programming cable is required for older controllers.

A one-time charge is made for the software licence. After purchase and registration of the serial number, all updates can be downloaded free of charge.


Actuators with built-in controllers

For many years, IAI has also offered electric cylinders with built-in controls that do not require space in the control cabinet.

The latest series of this type are EleCylinder, developed as an energy-saving replacement for pneumatic cylinders. Many models are also available with a control panel on the housing, eliminating the need to connect to a PC or handheld programmer.

The latest generation of RoboCylinders are also available with integrated control under the series designation RCP6S.


Wireless or wired teaching pendants

The latest TB-03 teaching pendant enables wireless control of up to 16 EleCylinder actuators via WLAN. This means that EleCylinder actuators that are already permanently installed behind covers can also be easily reprogrammed. Wireless status monitoring facilitates daily maintenance and shortens troubleshooting.

The TB-03 can be connected to all controllers by means of appropriate cables. The same functions and operating features of the previous TB-02 are available.

Connection to fieldbus networks

Actuators are connected to fieldbuses such as Profinet, Profibus, EtherCAT, EtherNet/IP or CC-Link either via a gateway or directly via a corresponding interface at the controller. The network table indicates which controller is compatible with which fieldbus.

Configuration files can be downloaded free of charge under ➥ Field Network.

Controllers for EtherCAT Motion network

The connectable RCON network controllers, the SCON single-axis controller and the MCON 1-8-axis controller also have an optional EtherCAT motion connection.


This ensures real-time operation, i.e. synchronisation of servo motors. This is suitable for short cycle times of automation systems, for example for packaging machines or the assembly of electronic components.

Controllers & Teaching Pendants

  Controllers for robots:   ➥ Multi-axis Controllers


Single axis controller

  • RCP6, RCP5
  • RCP4, RCP3
  • RCP2 actuators
  • Voltage: 24 V DC

Single axis controller

  • RCA2 actuators
  • RCA actuators
  • RCL linear motors
  • Voltage: 24 V DC

Single axis controller

  • RCD micro cylinder
  • RCD-GRSNA mini gripper
  • Servo drive
  • Voltage: 24 V DC

Single axis controller

  • IFA belt-driven actuators
  • RCS4, RCS3, RCS2
  • Voltage: 230 V AC

Single axis controller

  • RCS3 servo presses
  • RCS2 servo presses
  • 3 Phase 200 V Servo motor
  • Voltage: 230 V AC

Available soon

  • RCS4, RCS3, RCS2
  • RCS3, RCS2 servo presses
  • Voltage: 230 V AC

8-axis controller

  • RCP6, RCP5, RCP4
  • RCP3, RCP2
  • RCA2, RCA, RCD
  • Voltage: 24 V DC

16-axis controller

  • EleCylinder actuators
  • 24 V stepper motor
  • 230 V servo motor
  • 24 V DC & 230 V AC

16-axis controller

  • RCS4, RCS3, RCS2
  • RCP6, RCP5, RCP4, RCP3, RCP2
  • 24 V DC & 230 V AC

ACON-C-20I-NP-2-0, ACON-C-30I-PN-2-0, ACON-CB, ACON-CB+datasheet, ACON-CB-10WAI-EP-0-0, A-CON-CB-20I-PRT-0-0, ACON-CB-20WAI, ACON-CB-20WAI-CC, ACON-CB-20WAI-CC-0-0, ACON-CB-20WAI-EC, ACON-CB-20WAI-EC-0-0, ACON-CB-30A, ACON-CB-30A-DV, acon-cg-20I-PN-2-0, Acon-CGB, ACON-CGB-, Acon-cgb+10wai-prt, acon-cgb-10ai-prt-0-0, ACON-CGB-10wai-PRT, ACON-CGB-20WAI-EC-0-0-SP, ACON-CGB-30WAI-PN-0-0-ABU, DCON-CB, DCON-CB-3I, DCON-CB-3-I-EC-0-0, DCON-CGB-3I-PRT-0-0, MCON-C, MCONC-8, MCONC-8-28PSA-28PSA-+28PSA-28PSA-28PS, MCON-C-8-35PWAI, MCON-CG-3-56PWAI-42PWAI-42PWAI-N-PRT-, MCON-PPD1-W, PCON, p-con+, PCON+1-axis+controller+manual, pcon+cb+software, pcon+cg, pcon+cgb, P-con+error+code, p-con+programming+manual, pcon+SOFTWARE, PCON0N, PCON-C-28PI-NP-2-0, pcon-c-42pi-np-3-0-h, PCON-C8, pcon-ca, pcon-ca-, pcon-ca-42psa, pcon-ca-42pwai-cc-0-0, pcon-ca-42pwai-prt, pcon-ca-42wai-cc-0-0, pcon-ca-56p-wai-pn-2-0, PCON-CB, PCON-CB-20PWAI-EP-0-0, PCON-CB-20P-WAI-EP-0-0, PCON-CB-35P, PCON-CB-35PWAI, PCON-CB-35PWAI-, pcon-cb-35pwai-cc-0-0-dn, PCON-CB-35PWAI-EP-0-0, PCON-CB-35PWAI-ML3-0-0, PCON-CB-42, PCON-CB-42P, PCON-CB-42PW, PCON-CB-42PWAI, PCON-CB-42PWAI-EP, pcon-cb-42pwai-ep-0-0, PCON-CB-42P-WAI-PN-2-0 PCON-CB-42PWAI-PN-2-0, PCON-CB-42P-WAI-PN-2-0, PCON-CB-42P-WAI-PN-2-0+, PCON-CB-42P-WAI-PN-5-0, PCON-CB-42PWAI-PRT-0-0, P-CON-CB-42P-WAI-PRT-0-0, PCON-CB-56PWAI-EP-0-0, PCON-CB-56PWAI-NP-2-0, PCON-CB-56PWAI-PN-2-0, PCON-CB-56PWAI-PRT-0-0, PCON-CB-56-PWAI-PRT-0-0, PCON-CB-56PWWAI-EP-0-0, pcon-cfa, PCON-CFA-86PI-PN-2-0, PCON-CFB, pcon-cfb+manual, PCON-CFB-56SPWAI-%28NP%2FPN%29-0, PCON-CFB-56SPWAI, PCON-CFB-56SPWAI-EP, PCON-CFB-56SPWAI-EP-0-0, PCON-CFB-56SPWAI-EP-0-0-DN, PCON-CFB-56SPWAI-PRT-0-0, PCON-CFB-60PWAI, PCON-CFB-60PWAI-PRT-0-0, PCON-CG, PCON-cg-35p, PCON-cg-35pi-np, PCON-cg-35pi-np-2-0, PCON-CG-42PI, pcon-cg-42pi-pn-2-0, PCON-CG-42PI-PR-0-0, PCON-CG-56PI, pcon-cg-56pi-pn, PCON-CG-56PI-PN-2-0, PCON-CGB, PCON-CGB-35P-WAI-EP-0-0-DN, PCON-CGB-35PWAI-PN, PCON-CGB-35PWAI-PN-, PCON-CGB-35PWAI-PN-2-0, PCON-CGB-35PWAI-PRT-0-0, PCON-CGB-42PWAI-PN-2-0, PCON-CGB-42PWAI-PRT-0-0, PCON-CGB-42PWAI-PRT-0-0-DN, PCON-CGB-56, PCON-CGB-56P, PCON-CGB-56PWAI, PCON-CGB-56PWAI-PN, PCON-CGB-56PWAI-PN-2-0, pcon-cgfb, PCON-CGFB-56SP, PCON-CGFB-56SPWAI, PCON-CGFB-56SPWAI-EC, PCON-CGFB-56SPWAI-EC-0-0, PCON-PL8-56, PCON-PLB-42PWAI-NP-2-0-DN, PCON-PLB-56, PCON-SE-42PI, PCON-SEI, RCON, rcon+, RCON+CONTROLLERS, RCON+CWG, RCON+CWG-EP-FU2-TRN, rcon+drive, rcon+gwg+ec, rcon+gwg+et, rcon+gwg-prt, rcon+manual, rcon+pcf, rcon+pcf+b20192133, RCON-CWG-EP-FU2-TRN, RCON-GW, RCON-GW-EP, RCON-GW-EP-ET, RCON-GW-EP-FU1, RCON-GW-EP-FU2, RCON-GWG, RCON-GWG-CC-EC, RCON-GWG-CC-ET RCON-GWG-CC-ET, RCON-GWG-EC, RCON-GWG-EC-TRN, RCON-GWG-PRT, RCON-GW-PRT-FU1, RCON-PC, RCON-PC-1, RCON-PC-2, RCON-PC-2+manual, RCON-PCF-1, RCON-PS2-3, RCON-SC-1, RSEL, RSEL-G, RSEL-G-EC, RSEL-G-EC-0-FU1-TRN, RSEL-G-EN, RSEL-G-EP-0-FU1+, RSEL-G-PN, RSEL-G-PN-0-FU2-TRN, RSEL-G-PN-2, RSEL-G-PN-TRN, scon+cgb+200SAI, SCON2-CG-S-EC-0-2, scon-c-100i, scon-c-100i-0-2, scon-c-100i-cc-0-2, SCON-C-100I-NP-2-1, SCON-C-100I-NP-2-1-JP, SCON-C-60%E2%85%A0-NP, SCON-C-60%E2%85%A0-NP-2, SCON-C-60, SCON-CB, SCON-CB+CAD, SCON-CB-100WAI-CC-0-2, SCON-CB-100WAI-NP-3-2, SCON-CB-150WAI-PN-2-2, SCON-CB-200WAI, SCON-CB-200WAI-PN-2-0, SCON-CB-20A-EP-0-2, SCON-CB-400W, SCON-CB-400WAI-PRT-0-2, SCON-CB-60WA, SCON-CB-60WAI-EP-0-1-SP, SCON-CB-60WAI-PRT-0-2, SCON-CB-60WAI-PRT-0-2-STO, SCON-CB-750SWAIF-EP-0-2, Scon-cb-750wai-prt-0-2+, scon-cbg, SCON-CGB-100WAI-RC-0-2, SCON-CGB-150WAI, SCON-CGB-150WAI2, SCON-CGB-150WAI-PN-2-2, SCON-CGB-200A-EC, scon-CGB-200AF-, scon-cgb-200SAI, SCON-CGB-400WAI-EP-0-2, SCON-CGB-60A-RC-0-2, SCON-CGB-60-WAI-EP-0-2, SCON-CGB-750WAI-RC-0-2, XSEL-RA_SA, XSEL-RA, TB+03, tb-02-s, TB03, TB-03, tb-03-c-e, TB-03E-SCN-0, teaching+tool,